Specialties Integrative Medicine

Veterinary Integrative Medicine

Integrative veterinary medicine uses alternative therapies, such as massage therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic care, to complement your pet’s traditional medicine therapies to encourage healing, relieve pain, and optimize your pet’s quality of life.

Why Choose MedVet Integrative Medicine

Our integrative medicine team works closely with you and your family veterinarian to develop an individualized treatment plan to enhance your pet’s natural healing potential.  

In our state-of-the-art facilities, your pet receives care from a team passionate about veterinary integrative medical care. Experience and expertise in this area of medicine make us a preferred partner for many family veterinarians to provide exceptional care for your pet.  

While integrative medicine can be helpful for all kinds of conditions, we often recommend therapies as part of the treatment regimen for:
  • Cancer
  • Chronic conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and feline bladder disorders
  • Chronic pain
  • Geriatric wellness
  • Neurologic disease
  • Pain management for degenerative arthritis
  • Recovery from orthopedic or neurologic surgery

What to Expect During an Initial Integrative Medicine Visit

When you schedule your appointment, our team will share information about pre-registering for your visit and how to prepare, which may include completing paperwork before the appointment and bringing a list of their medications or foods with you. 

During your pet’s consultation, our team will review your pet’s medical records and discuss your pet’s lifestyle and health history with you. Additional testing may be recommended for a complete exam. 

We will discuss your pet’s diagnosis and treatment plan and answer any questions you may have. Our team partners with your family veterinarian and other specialists to provide the best treatment options for your pet. 

Integrative Medicine Services

Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of very thin needles in the skin at strategic points on the body. This practice balances the flow of energy or life force (known as chi). It can be helpful for appetite stimulation, enhancing circulation, improving immune response, reducing stress, and managing pain in your dog or cat.

When the bones of the spine are not aligned correctly, the joint, muscle, nerve, connective tissue, blood flow, and function of an area can be affected. Chiropractic care is the practice of manipulating tissues around the spine to enhance mobility, relieve pain, improve circulation, and improve immune response.

An animal’s energy system affects its physical body and mental strength. Healing Touch for Animals® is a practice of assessing an animal’s energy system and using specific techniques, like touch, near-touch, essential oils, or sound therapy, to clear balance and strengthen the energy system to encourage healing, reduce stress, and promote a healthy immune system.

Therapeutic lasers use light particles to affect cellular tissue and physiology. The main clinical benefits are decreased inflammation and pain, accelerated tissue repair, and improved wound healing.

Massage therapy uses specific hand movements on a patient to improve muscle and joint function by relieving tension, spasms, soreness, and movement restrictions. It can be helpful for chronic pain management for conditions such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, and intervertebral disc disease. Massage therapy is also useful for emotional wellbeing as it can calm hyperactive or anxious pets.

Pets who are experiencing nutrition issues may benefit from supplements in addition to conventional therapies.

Not all services are available in every hospital. Contact your local MedVet for services for that location.