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WEEX Affiliate Application Form
Email *
01 Your WEEX UID

Please provide your correct WEEX UID

1. If you have already registered as a partner, please provide your partner UID.

2. If you haven't registered under any specific role, please provide your WEEX trading account UID.

02 Your name   *
This will be your username. Please make sure to provide it correctly
03  Your phone number (optional):
04  What is your contact information? (e.g., telegram @xxx)   *
Please specify your Telegram handle as @Abcd, and any other contact details you'd like to provide, for easy and immediate communication   
05 I am a
06 What is your main platform/channel?*

**If it is a trading platform or other social platform, and please fill in "other" and please enter your account name on the platform

07 Details of your social media account:
(e.g.Discord: Arteezy#9001)

08 How many followers/members/users do you have on your main platform/channel?

09 Please provide the link to your main platform/channel (Enter the complete URL)
10 Other social media channels/website links (Enter the complete URL) *
11 Your suggestion or sharing
(For example: a brief introduction about yourself and your channel)
12 The region you are promoting *
Promote​, for example, Lebanon, the United Kingdom, Germany.

How did you learn about our exchange?

A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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