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03 Mar, 2022

The global agricultural films market is expected to grow in response to rising crop demand and the need to improve crop yield. According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the world population of 9.1 billion people in 2050 would require increasing overall food production by some 70% between 2005/07 and 2050. Thus, the demand for agricultural films will increase to raise crop productivity.

Growing adoption of agricultural films such as greenhouse films and mulch for crop production will continue to create attractive growth prospects. Innovations in agricultural films and increased demand for biodegradable films in both developed and developing regions are expected to drive growth of the agricultural films market too.

While plastic films can clearly help improve agricultural efficiency and output, concerns about film waste and disposal are putting the industry under pressure and scrutiny. At the same time, there is a growing demand in the use of biodegradable and recycled materials, as well as the application of advanced technologies that allow for the recycling of heavily contaminated films.

Aduro and Switch Energy Partner to Build Pilot Plant in Ontario, Canada, Demonstrating Hydrochemolytic Technology for Chemical Recycling of Agricultural Plastic Waste.                                                         9/11/22,

CMT's Sustainable Agricultural Film Outlook on 3 March 2022 at 1430 CET (GMT+1) brings together leading industry experts to share latest advancement in agricultural films, Technology innovations, Sustainability & Recycling & more!

Get insights from :

- Dr Alexander Soeriyadi, Co-Founder and CEO,

- Dr. Ralf Dujardin, Vice President Marketing and Innovation,
Imaflex Inc

- Mike Baxter, External Affairs Director,
Berry bpi Group

- Dr. Lisa Wasko DeVetter, Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture,
Washington State University

- John Phoenix, Head Of Sales, RPC-BPI Agriculture

- Dr. Birendra Adhikari, Technology Development Scientist II, Aduro Clean Technologies

- Dr. Michael Stephen, Director, Symphony Environmental Technologies PLC

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Dr. Alexander Soeriyadi
Co-Founder and CEO


Dr. Ralf Dujardin
Vice President Marketing and Innovation
Imaflex Inc


Dr. Lisa Wasko DeVetter
Associate Professor
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University


Mike Baxter
External Affairs Director
Berry bpi Group


John Phoenix
Head Of Sales
RPC-BPI Agriculture

Dr. Birendra Adhikari
Technology Development Scientist II
Aduro Clean Technologies

Dr. Michael Stephen
Symphony Environmental Technologies PLC