5 Business Benefits of Disability Inclusion
Image Description: A cartoon image of people with various disabilities.

5 Business Benefits of Disability Inclusion

Contrary to popular belief, disability inclusion is not about "doing the right thing" it is much more than that, it is a shrewd business strategy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in four adults in the United States has a disability, whether that disability is apparent or not. That translates to 26% of the population in the U.S. and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the global number of people with disabilities is 1.3 billion or 16% of the global population.

This means people with disabilities represent a large and diverse talent pool, a powerful customer base, and a massive market opportunity. By getting smart on disability inclusion, your business can gain a competitive advantage.

Here are five business benefits of disability inclusion:

  1. Enhance Your Recruiting Strategy: People with disabilities have valuable skills, experiences, and perspectives that can benefit your workplace and enhance productivity. By creating accessible environments and providing reasonable accommodations, you can attract and retain candidates with disabilities who can contribute to your business goals and objectives. You can also foster a culture of innovation and creativity by tapping into the diverse talents and insights of people with disabilities. I often say, if you're looking for your next innovation ask employees with disabilities what accessibility features need to be improved in your products or services? What access problem needs solving? Do you need more accessible products? Do you customer service reps who are educated on your accessibility features?
  2. Improve Your Culture of Inclusion: Disability inclusion is not only good for people with disabilities, but also for all employees, managers, and yes, even your customers. By creating an inclusive workplace, you can improve employee engagement, improve tenure, and attract new customers. You are creating an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported. Moreover, you can enhance your customer experience by having a workforce that reflects the diversity of your customers and understands their needs. Which takes us to number 3.
  3. Gain New Customers: People with disabilities have money to spend. They buy houses, cars, phones, computers, toothpaste and everything else. According to Return on Disability Group, people with disabilities have an estimated spending power of $13 Trillion. By ensuring your products are accessible, and customer service people know how to effectively interact with people with disabilities, you can increase your market share and revenue. Additionally, as you attract new customers and those customers are active on social media, you will quickly get referrals from people with disabilities and access to their network.
  4. Improve Innovation: Most of the products we use today were created for people with disabilities - do you watch movies with captions? Captions are an innovation created for the deaf and hard of hearing community. Use text messaging - another tool for those with hearing impairments. Do you use curb cuts or automatic doors? An innovation for those with mobility issues. There are countless examples of innovations for people with disabilities becoming mainstream. So, if you are looking to improve innovation it is critical to have input from employees with disabilities. People with disabilities bring different perspectives and solve problems in unique ways.
  5. Enhance Your Reputation/Brand: As you gain new customers and employees because of your disability inclusive environment you will be improving your brand. You can also improve your products and services by incorporating the feedback and preferences of people with disabilities. Furthermore, you can benefit from the positive word-of-mouth and referrals from people with disabilities and their families, friends, and allies.

So, while many disability inclusion programs often begin with altruistic reasons like "it's the right thing to do", or to "give back to the community" - the real benefits are that it is good for your business. It improves productivity, innovation and helps you gain market share.

#DisabilityInclusion #EmployeeEngagement #ImproveMarketShare

Hale Pulsifer

VP Customer Inclusion, Disability Community


This is Awesome. Disability Inclusion is a true opportunity! Everyone benefits

Balázs Berecz

Social Impact Evangelist | Business Benefit from Accessibility & Disability Inclusion | Founder & CEO at Access4you


That is a perfect and balanced post; thanks, Meg. As the challenge is global in disability inclusion, so are the benefits. It gives hope that the positive impacts on different continents can reinforce each other.

Said Musllam

Customer Service Specialist | Software Developer


The work environment should be suitable in terms of job aspects. Obstacles must be removed through special recruiting program for each company. It's imperative to have good retirement program for the person with special needs.

Yuan Ping Lee

I am passionate about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging for people with disability (DEIB)


The five business benefits mentioned in the post provide a clear framework for understanding the advantages of disability inclusion. Enhancing the recruiting strategy by attracting candidates with disabilities who possess valuable skills and perspectives is a great way to tap into a diverse talent pool and foster innovation and creativity. It's inspiring to think about how involving employees with disabilities in the development process can lead to new and improved accessibility features for products and services. The post emphasizes the positive impact of disability inclusion on a company's reputation and brand. As companies embrace disability inclusivity, they not only improve their products and services but also benefit from positive word-of-mouth and referrals from people with disabilities and their networks. Overall, this post effectively communicates that disability inclusion is not just a moral imperative but a smart business move with numerous benefits. It's inspiring to see the potential for businesses to improve productivity, innovation, and market share through disability inclusion efforts. #DisabilityInclusion #EmployeeEngagement #ImproveMarketShare

Daylen K. Adams

Mr. Build The Team 🧱 Aspiring Civilian 😂 Youth Challenge Graduate 👨🎓 Foster Care 🔑 Speaking engagements 👔 S2S 👨💼 Brand Ambassador 🇺🇸 Disabled Veteran Advocate 🙏 Linkedin Foodie 🍱 🥷 Native Hawaiian 🌺


Yes 👍 great key benefits ! 🙌 I’ve been saying the same (not to take away or compare ) for a few years now that ROI on our disabled veterans is nothing short of a force multiplier 🙏 so it’s a win win 🥇 Meg O'Connell, PHR

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