Online Filing

Generate Your IFTA Fuel Tax Report

Any “qualified motor vehicle” traveling between two or more jurisdictions (states) is required to file IFTA quarterly.

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ExpressTruckTax IFTA Features

  • Accurate fuel tax calculation
  • Automatic IFTA report generation from Trip Sheets
  • Bulk & GPS data upload
  • IFTA & IRP reports
  • Pre-auditing
  • Maintain IVMR (trip sheets and fuel records)
  • US-based customer support
  • ELD data import

Generate your Fuel Tax Report Accurately with our Online IFTA Reporting Software.

Generate My IFTA Report Today!

Who is required to file IFTA?

If your “qualified motor vehicle” travels between two or more of the member jurisdictions (48 of the United States and 10 Canadian provinces) you must have an International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) license and decals. If you are required to carry an IFTA license and decal.

Qualified motor vehicles include vehicles that have:

  • Two axles and a gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,000 pounds.
  • Two axles and a registered weight exceeding 26,000 pounds.
  • Three or more axles regardless of weight.
  • A combination weight exceeding 26,000 pounds.

Recreational vehicles are exempt from IFTA Fuel Tax Reporting.

What does “Base Jurisdiction” mean?

  • Your base jurisdiction is also where your truck and information is registered.
  • Where your operational control and records are maintained or can be made available in case of an audit.
  • The state in which your qualified motor vehicle is traveling through within the fleet, accruing mileage.

What do I need to file an IFTA return?

The following information is required to complete an IFTA quarterly tax return:

  • Total miles, taxable and nontaxable, traveled by the licensee’s qualified motor vehicles in all jurisdictions, IFTA and non-IFTA, including trip permit miles
  • Total gallons of fuel consumed, taxable and nontaxable, by the licensee’s qualified motor vehicles in all jurisdictions, IFTA and non-IFTA
  • Total miles and taxable miles traveled in each member jurisdiction
  • Taxable gallons consumed in each member jurisdiction
  • Tax-paid gallons purchased in each member jurisdiction
  • Current tax rate for each member jurisdiction

Choose our IFTA Reporting Software to generate reports in minutes. Get Started Now

When is an IFTA Report due?

IFTA must be reported by the last day of the month, after the end of each quarter. Use the table below to find your IFTA Filing dates for 2023.

Quarter Periods IFTA Quarterly Tax Return Due Dates*
1st Quarter May 1, 2023
2nd Quarter July 31, 2023
3rd Quarter October 31, 2023
4th Quarter January 31, 2024
*If the due date falls on a weekend or a state holiday, the due date is extended to the following business day.

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