• Callinex Mines (CNX) is pleased to announce an updated mineral resource estimate for the company’s Point Leamington Deposit
  • Max Porterfield, President & CEO of Callinex Mines sat down with Caroline Egan to discuss the results of the estimate and the company’s plans to advance the project
  • Callinex Mines Inc is a Canada-based company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of VMS deposits
  • Callinex Mines Inc. (CNX) is currently trading at C$3.46 per share

Callinex Mines (CNX) is pleased to announce an updated mineral resource estimate for the company’s 100 per cent owned Point Leamington Deposit in Newfoundland.

The project hosts a volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit with significant gold, copper and zinc mineralization

Max Porterfield, President & CEO of Callinex Mines sat down with Caroline Egan to discuss the results of the estimate and the company’s plans to advance the project.

Callinex Mines Inc is a Canada-based company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of VMS deposits. 

Callinex Mines Inc. (CNX) is currently trading at C$3.46 per share.

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