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Omar Elmadbouly Examines How Computers Can Help Keep Us Connected During Covid-19

Phoenix, AZ - (NewMediaWire ) - October 29, 2020 - Omar Elmadbouly has worked for years to make computer-integration, digital communication, and video game competition more accepted and understood throughout the world. He believes that these unique methods can connect people during the pandemic in ways that others cannot. This benefit is critical for the health and well being of those who are struggling with anxiety and loneliness.

As stores closed down, restaurants stayed shut, and people were asked to stay at home, Omar Elmadbouly immediately started setting up new digital communication accounts for himself and his family. Not social media – though Omar Elmadbouly finds this can help some people in a pinch – but digital communication programs like Zoom and other video-based methods for talking.

Create meeting times when you and friends can interact, he suggests, and talk about life and even play card games together. Though some cities and states may be safer for personal social interaction, Omar Elmadbouly believes that most should stick to this digital concept. Even though it might not feel as connected, it is better than sitting at home without anything to do, he argues.

And Omar Elmadbouly also suggests setting up news alerts from your most trusted online news sources to track pandemic updates and treatment changes. Typically, these situations occur sporadically, such as when the state’s governor creates a new order for the state’s businesses. By using your computer in this way, Omar Elmadbouly believes it is possible to keep yourself abreast of any changes that may affect your job and life.

Omar Elmadbouly also believes that gaming can be a powerful way to bring people together in these challenging times. For example, he points out the connections people are making via games like “Among Us” and other games focused on social interaction. He believes we can get through these challenging times by creating these unique pathways of communication and interaction.

For example, a person can set up a virtual gaming room online to chat and interact. Sites like Discord allow for easy video and audio chatting and keep people connected as they play. And the type of games chosen can vary based not only on preference but on what kinds of goals a group would like to accomplish, Omar Elmadbouly notes, as many games are cooperative.

For example, Minecraft is a fun game that adults and children enjoy, building things together, fighting monsters, and interacting. Beyond this type of connection, Omar Elmadbouly suggests relaxing games that manage anxiety. Games like “Stardew Valley” create an alternate reality where people can interact, relax, and have low-risk fun. This type of relaxation is crucial, Omar Elmadbouly believes, during the pandemic, as it can make life feel normal and streamlined in a way that may feel lost forever to some.