Epta at Euroshop2023
Innovation Reloaded. The Epta Sustainable System
EuroShop, the world’s leading Retail trade fair, has reconfirmed itself yet again as a centre of attraction for visitors from all over the world, source of innovation and inspiration for the entire sector. Epta was among the protagonists of the event: the claim of the group Innovation Reloaded: The Epta Sustainable System is a journey through responsible innovation, tangibly represented at the heart of the set-up by three Green Facts that prove Epta’s commitment to the environment and Retailers.
The Green Facts are expressed in the invitation to Retailers to refurbish their store: REstore your future is Epta’s promise developed in each area of the stand in which new solutions and technologies contribute to ensure maximum efficiency, reduced carbon footprint and an original and exclusive visual identity.
Green facts, not just words!
As a complete system provider, Epta accompanies retailers through their green transition: the real challenges they face today call for real products and real actions, which a Group with a truly sustainable know-how can transform into concrete green facts.
REstore your future
RESTORE with Epta’s sustainable innovation. A vision applied to our solutions, representing our way of being and operating. One that ensures all-around efficiency in line with the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s store.