Have you ever noticed you wait until the last minute to do things you hate? 

...things that bore you
...things that make no sense 
...things that just don’t fill you up

For instance, how many times did you wait until the night before to write an essay for English class? How many times did you wait until the day of an exam to actually study?

Procrastination can get more addicting than nearly anything else on this planet. And that’s coming from a dude who was once addicted to cocaine. 

So let me get to the point. 

If procrastination has followed you into adulthood I’ll tell you why. And even better I know how to fix it. But first, let me give credit to the doctor that helped me understand it all. 

His name is Dr. John Frederick Demartini -- the world’s leading expert on human behavior. He breaks procrastination down into 3 simple reasons and it has NOTHING to do with willpower. 
You don’t fully understand what you want and why you want it. It’s like college students switching majors 3-4 times. Or switching women every month.

If you don’t ask the right questions and seek out the right answers you’ll be left feeling lost. Like many of the lost souls on the street, in a cubicle, or the ones no longer with us.
Have you ever looked at a BIG goal and felt overwhelmed. It’s exciting, but daunting at the same time. Like the hot dog eating competition on July 4th.

When you actually piece it into chunks you can eat for breakfast every morning, you’re goals become easy and you keep moving forward. Progress never stops and you never procrastinate. A lot of us know this already but don’t effectively unchunk our big vision.
An unlinked vision means what you’re doing now doesn’t align with your highest values. That’s why those cubicle workers or slaves, whatever you want to call them, look so damn unhappy.  

There’s a disconnect that leads to depression, anxiety, and procrastination. 

As an entrepreneur, we choose avoided it. We assume we’re right on track. We’re doing what we love, and what we care about.
Procrastination is just a symptom. 
Motivation is just a symptom.
Your income is just a symptom. 
Procrastination is just 
a symptom. 
Motivation is just 
a symptom.

Your income is just 
a symptom. 
It’s a symptom you’re a prisoner to your past. To the lies someone told you about wealth and building your dream business.

“95 percent of your life comes from the subconscious program. So by definition, your life is a printout of your subconscious programs.” - Dr. Bruce Lipton, former professor of medicine at Stanford University

Studies as far back as the 70s show our subconscious runs the show. This isn’t some woo-woo B.S. Harvard supports this…

Neuroscientists say if you’re conscious mind is in control 5% of the day that’s well above average. Many operate at just 1% consciousness.

Just think about it...
Most of our lives are run on autopilot. 

That’s why no matter how many productivity books you read or tools you download...it won’t fucking matter. Because deep down you won’t want to be productive. 

You don’t align with that vision. 
This shit was programmed a long ass time ago back when we were kids. We have all these thoughts in our heads that aren’t ours.

Ever think why they call it a tv program? Hmmmmmm...

And you know Robert Kiyosaki? 

This dude:
He thinks poverty is in our fucking DNA. Like our parents pass their belief system down to us. That’s why the poor stay poor. And the rich stay rich. 

"Poverty is passed down in your families, and the middle class is taught in families. The people right now that are sitting at home who are struggling financially or they be making a lot of money but unhappy of what they’re doing...it was probably taught to you."

- Robert Kiyosaki
Your values weren’t created by you. 
Your beliefs weren’t created by you. 

You’re just running a program that was shoved down your throat by your parents and the corrupt education system.

>> That’s why 65% of professional athletes go broke in 5 years. 
>> And why 70% of lotto winners go broke after a few years. 
You give a broke person money, they’ll always find a way to lose it again. Because they aren’t 
designed to build wealth. It’s in their DNA.

“Most of our thoughts and beliefs about the world are formed on a subconscious level, from the ages of 2 to 7 when learning is subconscious. It is at this time that a child’s perceptions of the world are downloaded and formed.”

And as much as you’ve consciously fought them, as much as you’ve tried to consciously HUSTLE your way to the top, there’s always been something holding you back…

You’ll always run back to comfort.

Because your subconscious is ALWAYS in control. 

...so stop fighting it. 

Just imagine trying to type something on your keyboard thinking of every letter. You’ll tire the fuck out. It’s exhausting. 

It just happens. It’s a program. We react to things before we can even think. That’s our subconscious.

It’s why we procrastinate. It’s why we make DUMB decisions. It’s why we’re not on a private jet drinking champaign on the way to Bali. 

It happened to me…
That’s why my entire life the only thing I was good at was drinking and doing drugs. 

Thank God over the last 4 years I’ve got my shit together:

• I beat my insane addictions 
• I’ve accomplished insane physical feats
• And I’ve grown 4 different companies to the multiple 6 figure levels
All because I finally figured out how to “drive” on autopilot. This isn’t some manifestation B.S. 

Manifestation didn’t do me shit. I could dream all day and get nowhere. I would fight my own mind and always lose. 

It was like swimming upstream. I’d always drown from the current flowing against me. My world didn’t match my identity. And my behaviors didn’t align with my identity. 

I didn’t even know who I was anymore. 

My entire life I struggled with identity. 

I struggled with finding fulfillment in anything. And as much bullshit I shoved into my life, girls, drugs, alcohol. Nothing filled me up. 

And it’s because my past was controlling my present and my future until the day I learned how to tap into my subconscious. 

Until I learned how to dig up the thing controlling me. 
Growth comes from breaking down walls before you build them back up. 

Like in the gym. You tear your muscles so they can come back stronger...just like your mind. 

That’s why all these habit and personal development B.S. doesn’t work. Cause you’re just painting a house filled with termites. 

Exterminate those damn bugs eating away at your success. 

So the first step to demolish all the subconscious thoughts holding you back. The way that you feel about wealth. The way you feel about relationships and your health. 

They can all be brought up to the surface with the right questions…
I had to dissolve my shame, guilt, and reasons why I didn’t deserve a better life. They controlled my behavior… and probably control yours too. 

You already have the answers in your head. You already know what to do to double your income, work less, and live your best life. 

But for some reason you haven’t yet. 

So let me show you how to hack into that brain of yours and get everything you’ve ever wanted. It’s something the rich know, and the poor never learn. 
You’ve seen all these classic books: 
They all PROVE wealth lies in your subconscious.

And not just wealth in your bank account but in your relationships, and health too. Because only chumps would sacrifice one for another. So let me explain something. These two programs control your life, your everyday, and your future. 

Because 95% or more of your day is lived subconsciously...on autopilot. 

So what are the two programs hidden deep in your mind? 


Your deep rooted values are built on the voids you’ve had throughout your life. You value what you didn’t have. Our mission, our passions, and our mind will always be 

Wealthy people live in a world where their values are congruent with their identity. 


Within your entire ecosystem of beliefs, the most important is the belief in you. 

Your identity. 

That’s why some people say “you’re the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most” or if you’re the 9th millionaire in the room you’re bound to be the 10th”

It’s because you’ll begin to identify with those people. 

The same things happen when you move into a high rise, rent a lambo, or even sit up at the top of a mountain. If you act like you’re on top, your mind will start to believe you. 

But if you don’t subconsciously identify with someone wealthy, rich, and happy...you won’t be.

Identity and self expression nearly paint your world on autopilot. 

In fact, it’s so damn powerful it’s been used against us in war. 
That’s why the Vietnamese government used these crazy mind control tactics on American soldiers after they brought them in as prisoners of war. 

The crazy part is they succeeded. 

When the Americans were released, they no longer believed the Vietnam government was their enemy. They had a new identity. Many of the families thought they had been brainwashed…

But the Vietnam government simply knew how to tap into their subconscious. 
And use the 2 programs against them. 

It’s why some of your friends always fuck up their relationships...or why they’ll talk themselves out of a great opportunity. 

Because fear, voids, and traumas will run their subconscious. 

Like a genie granting your 3 wishes. 
Everyone talks about creating new habits. Wake up earlier. Go to the gym everyday. Eat healthier. Be spontaneous for your woman. 

But you don’t do that shit consciously. 

You need to wipe your hard drive first, otherwise it will hide in the shadows and control you. You’ll feel helpless like I did. 

You’ll be a slave to your past. 

And you’ll begin to procrastinate, chase more education, or excuse yourself from life changing opportunities. 
I call it the subconscious wealth effect. 

It’s a system that’s been proven time and time again in science to change your habits on autopilot. Doctors use this on psychiatric patients to “wipe their slate clean”. 

Many people think it’s the drugs that fix people in the head, but it’s only a placebo. There’s a lot more going on behind the scenes. 

Psychiatrists know that if they control the subconscious they can control everything.

Their actions.
Their attitude.
Their beliefs.
And their values.

But unlike the numbers portray, you can’t change your actions first. 

Millionaires know this. They didn’t start by changing actions. They started with a shift in perception. They became wealthy because they knew WHY they wanted wealth. 

They spoke to their subconscious, not conscious mind. 

Then they aligned actions with their WHY. 

Soon their own identity began to shift. Soon they woke up knowing exactly what to do. And instead of the self-sabotaging behavior, it was an unfair advantage.

It became habitual.

And you can do it too. Because once you have an autopilot -- your subconscious mind -- set with destination, speed, and clarity...everything else becomes easy.

Getting jacked.
Getting rich.
Getting the girl. 

Ordinary people think they have some type of gift. 
Like Musk. 
Or Bezos. 
Or Jobs. 
Or Trump. 
Or Cuban. 

But they had a system. And while I was drowning in my own depression. When I was sitting in a jail cell all I had was time and books. And it was in that time that I saw the pattern. And in that time I mapped it all out. 

Like a GPS. 

There’s a pattern in all of them. What they did in the beginning. How they never burned out. Why they didn’t need motivation. Why their attitude and emotions only fueled their success. 

That’s why I hate when someone says “change your attitude” 

It won’t do a damn thing for you. 

Attitude is a prisoner to the distance between your beliefs and actions. 
Look at this again. 

See how attitude is sandwiched between actions and beliefs? 

When they don’t line up, dudes go psycho. Or get depressed AF. 

It’s called cognitive dissonance. 
Unfortunately, that’s the norm. Most of the guys you graduated with, friends, family are somewhere in that boat. Unhappy with their reality. No one wants to talk about it. 

But it’s there slapping the middle class in the face everyday. 

They could never be entrepreneurs. 

They could never build a successful business. 

All these courses and coaches on building a business, or marketing, or sales, but nothing on fueling the engine making it all happen -- you. 

So if you want to stop being average and you want to build a brain like these billionaires...focus on your subconscious and build wealth on autopilot. 

Don’t be a puppet to your past. 
Rewrite Your Subconscious To Become The Powerful and Successful Man Hidden Deep Inside You...
You’ve read this far down so I got something for you. 

It’s like the marines. 

We have a system designed only for dudes under 30 to swiftly shift your identity to that of someone wealthy. We’ll go to war with the lies keeping you from attaining true wealth.

This is an invite to join an elite community of high achievers that are ONLY guys under 30. 

Because we know how important time value of money is. And when everyone else hits 40 they’ll be wishing they were you. If life was a video game, I found the cheat code. 

You don’t have to believe we live in a simulation. You don’t have to believe the Matrix was a documentary. 

But you do need to make a decision. 

Red pill or blue pill. 
You continue to fight against your own mind trying to build a business and life to match. You continue to fill yourself up with motivation that keeps on burning out. You continue to chase a life you can’t keep. You turn to drugs or whatever else to escape the life you’ve created like I did. 

You don’t want to confront your past.

You don’t want to challenge your own views on the world. You want to live in a cute house with a white picket fence. You choose comfort over progress. 

And you fall victim to someone else’s plan for you. 

Rewire your subconscious, reset your beliefs, and discover more about YOU then they ever thought possible. It gets RAW, DEEP, and at times you can feel weak. But it’s the only way you can get strong.

The Subconscious Wealth Effect will help you rewrite your subconscious. 

It’s not law of attraction or manifestation. But success will come easier. Opportunities will seem to come out of no where. Getting what you want will come without friction. 

This is real shit. Ripped from the minds of the most successful business dudes to ever exist. But that life isn’t for everyone.

That’s why I realize it may not be for you because it can be painful. It’s like ripping your molars out or shedding the old you.

So if you’re ready to rewrite your subconscious and build the business of your dreams before you hit 30 click on the button below to apply to the brotherhood. 
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Wake Up Wealthy Enterprise
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