America's Change Makers

The story of plastic is evolving. And it’s being written by our scientists, engineers, designers, technicians, innovators and others – America’s Change MakersSM – who are leading sustainable change for America’s Plastic Makers.

Meet Adwoa, a chemical engineer using her expertise from Ghana to enhance U.S. recycling efforts, particularly for plastic film. Discover how her collaboration with WM is paving the way for more accessible and effective recycling solutions

By linking innovation with sustainability, we’re changing the way plastic is made, used and remade. 

We’re finding new ways to make plastic lighter, stronger, more efficient and more recyclable. To keep plastic in our economy and out of our oceans and rivers. And to create the innovative products we all need to build a more sustainable infrastructure for our loved ones today… and for future generations.

We’re leveraging our history of innovation to make sustainable change.