Tamesis, the name the Romans gave to the River Thames, has always been the main gateway for merchants trading with London. We act as a gateway into the financial resources of the city for our corporate clients with mining projects across the world.
About Us
We are based in the City of London. From this location we provide financing solutions, advisory services, and access to capital and investors for the global mining and natural resource sectors.
Tamesis was formed in 2016 to bring a fresh approach in the context of radically changed capital markets and operating environment for natural resources companies. We aim to serve our clients in a way that addresses their core requirements, free from less value-add activities and the potential conflicts inherent in the traditional legacy broker model. Collectively our senior team has decades of shared experience in mining finance from market leading firms, including GMP Securities, Barclays Capital, Cazenove, J.P. Morgan and Ambrian Partners.
Our Services
Tamesis Partners is a financial boutique with a global reach, connecting natural resources companies to finance, so they can build or expand on their operations.
Our goal is to act as an extension to our client’s team, supporting the management of their responsibilities to shareholders, stakeholders and regulators. This enables clients to focus on what they are best at, and to achieve what they set out to do – namely building mines, producing metal and transforming local economies along the way.
Corporate Broking
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Advisory & Investment Banking
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Raising Capital
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1% Revenue Pledge
We operate with a long term and international outlook which are pre-requisites for success in the mining sector. Our company is built on the following guiding principles:
Stewardship – Our firm is entirely owned by its partners and we take direct ownership of everything we do
Excellence – We leverage our experience, sector expertise and energy to deliver best in class results
Respect – We respect those we work with and those we work for
Value Creation – We seek to deliver advice and transactions that add value to our clients, unrestricted by time horizons and geographies
Integrity – We act fairly and ethically in all we do
Collaboration – We bring a collaborative, partnership approach alongside our clients and other advisers to deliver the best outcomes
ESG – We seek to work with companies that share our desire to operate to the highest standards of environmental, social and corporate governance
Tamesis commits 1% of all revenues to charitable causes with areas of focus including the environment, education and social mobility.
Many of our clients share our passion for the transformation of local economies in developing communities. Like us, they see the natural resources sector as an opportunity to deliver positive change through high impact CSR initiatives out there in the field. Where we possible we seek to partner directly with clients on major projects.
Other revenues are shared with long term charity partners, currently Solar Aid, Eden: People+Planet and The Prince’s Trust.
Eden:People+Planet partners with communities to co-design and implement ecosystem restoration that inspires hope, renews social connections, enhances biodiversity, and generates socioeconomic benefits. To learn more please visit www.eden-plus.org.
SolarAid is a UK based, international charity that combats poverty and climate change. Through its social enterprise, SunnyMoney, they are working with entrepreneurs, schools and clinics to distribute solar lights to people living without electricity in Zambia in Malawi. To learn more please visit https://solar-aid.org/
The Prince’s Trust is a youth charity that helps young people aged 11 to 30 get into jobs, education and training. The Prince’s Trust works with delivery partners across the UK to offer hundreds of free courses, grants and mentoring opportunities to inspire young people to build their confidence and start a career. To learn more please visit www.princes-trust.org.uk