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Arinma Holdings
2020Jan 9
ARINMA Holdings Group, a decade-old emergent Climate -Smart infrastructure Development conglomerate, is championing human-centric infrastructure that meets community aspirations of prosperity, social justice, and sustainability. From civil engineering to water engineering, from fluid dynamics to social dynamics, environmental solutions to state-of-the-art public utility facilities, highways and heavy haulage solutions to Telecommunication Solutions, ARINMA Holdings Group addresses environmental, social, and economic imperatives through cutting-edge infrastructure. ARINMA’s competencies run across the full gamut of a project’s lifecycle, including planning, detailed designing, contract management, construction supervision and engineering, with a strategic focus on Sri Lanka, and the emerging markets in the region. ARINMA’s partnerships with leading global and local players in infrastructure development, extensive knowledge and in-depth understanding of local context facilitate smooth navigation of the complex infrastructure development ecosystem.

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