We partner with owners of multifamily housing to ensure the benefits of solar are more accessible to more people than ever before.


#1Provider of Solar Using MASH and SOMAH

Served Nationally

11K+Sunrun Employees Nationwide

Our experienced team of multifamily solar experts help you make the switch with ease.

$0 Cost

Sunrun Solar PV Systems offer turnkey solutions, with zero upfront costs.

Turnkey Process

Our trained team of detail-oriented solar and multifamily housing experts handle all development, permitting, construction, financing and operational risk, with no encumbrance on title.

Guaranteed Reliability

All of Sunrun’s solar systems are covered by our industry-leading guarantee, which includes lifetime maintenance and monitoring.

Expert Assistance

Sunrun’s team of solar experts provide guidance through every step of your solar conversion, and ensure optimum performance with 24/7 system monitoring.

What Our Customers Say:

Sunrun brings a lot to the table not just in terms of knowledge of solar, but also in advocacy, policy and what it takes to successfully work with affordable housing properties.”

Katherine Fleming
VP of Portfolio
BRIDGE Housing

Project Spotlight:

BRIDGE Housing · 94 units

This award-winning family property was designed with many environmentally friendly features when built in the late 2000’s, but included only a limited number of solar panels to supply electricity for property common areas only. Sunrun Multifamily used the Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing program to bring in another 246 kW of solar to serve the residents, at no cost to the property or BRIDGE. Following PG&E’s latest price increase, the system will provide bill credits to Cottonwood Creek’s families worth over $65 per unit per month.

Kilowatts of solar
Monthly bill credits per family
Upfront Costs

Who we’ve helped:

We provide innovative custom solar solutions to fit your needs.



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We are committed to creating a planet run by the sun.

Sunrun is actively engaged in creating opportunities for more people to enjoy the benefits of solar, from job training to helping craft legislation. Discover more about how we’re achieving our goals of creating a planet run by the sun, and how you can be a part of it.

Contact us today for a no cost, no obligation solar consultation to discover the difference solar can make for your residents and your bottom line.