The Latino Data Collaborative Think Tank (LDCTT) researches and highlights the vital contributions of American Latinos to the U.S. economy and GDP.
Original Research
Research Partners
Find all of the Latino Donor Collaborative’s news stories from around the web, as well as assets for press kits.
Learn about how the Latino Donor Collaborative is working to reshape the perception of Latinos and find ways to help grow their revenue and market share.

Impact Numbers

Board of Directors
Advisory Network
The LDC engages in initiatives like presentations, forums and outreach to provide decision-makers with free, vital information on the contributions of American Latinos, aiding informed resource allocation.
CEO One-on-One
Company Presentations
Elevate Latinos – Youth Engagement Hub
Other Campaigns

The Latino Donor Collaborative.

The Latino DonorCollaborative is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to reshaping the perception of Latinos as part of the American social mainstream. We are self-funded and independent, and created by an accomplished group of Latino national leaders that generously donate their time to promote friendly high-level dialogue, with the goal of finding best ways to grow revenue and market share – by targeting and serving the Latino audiences.

We do this through a non partisan agenda that includes outreach to influential people in media, advertising, politics, corporate America, and civil society by confronting stereotypes with data that brings understanding and appreciation of the actual roles being played by Latinos in society, politics, and commerce. The board is passionate about empowering every Latino to be the best they can be, and know that by empowering Latinos, they create a rich, united, and more powerful United States of America.



Communication, Collaboration & Distribution

The LDC creates and participates in various initiatives, including presentations, forums, and public outreach, to ensure that decision-makers and resource allocators have access to this vital information free of charge in order to make informed decisions that recognize the significant contributions of American Latinos and allocate necessary resources accordingly.

Data Creation

The Latino Data Collaborative Think Tank (LDCTT), through its respected research, produces data and insights that shed light on the invaluable contributions of American Latinos to the U.S. economy, business, entertainment, development, and the overall U.S. GDP.

LDCTT Latest Works..

Through its research, The Latino Data Collaborative Think Tank (LDCTT) produces data and insights that highlight the invaluable contributions of American Latinos to the U.S. economy, business, entertainment, development, and the overall U.S. GDP.

2023 Official LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report

Access to download your copy of the 2023 Official LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report and…

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2023 LDC Impact Report

The ‘2023 LDC Impact Report’ presents an in-depth analysis of the impact generated by LDC’s work over the years

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Impact through the years..

Founded in 2010, the LDC is celebrating more than a decade of strategic and innovative efforts to reshape the narrative of U.S. Latinos with reputable research. To learn more about the LDC’s impact over the years, please download our 2023 LDC Impact Report here.

people access LDC data through various outlets

search engine results related to the LDC’s work

news articles in the United States, China, India, France, Brazil, Mexico, and others

Original Reports

LDC academic sources available in libraries

research partners

LDC in the News.

Hot off
the Press

Explore comprehensive press coverage on the Latino Donor Collaborative—stay informed about our impactful initiatives, latest reports, and media highlights.

U.S. Latino economic output grows to $3.2 trillion, according to new study

After Years of Increased Latin Presence in TV, Film, New Study Finds Representation Is Declining


Find all the latest videos about the LDC, its work, and news coverage from the most reputable media outlets.
U.S. Latinos generate $3.2T in GDP
From Consumers to Makers

Latest Events.

22nd LDC Convening: A Premium R.O.I..

On May 8th, the LDC hosted a premier business summit with leaders in banking, media, advertising, and other key industries. The focus was on how U.S. Latino youth are shaping narratives and driving trends, particularly how Gen Z and Gen Alpha are positively reshaping American business. This event was organized by the LDC Board of Directors in collaboration with JPMorgan Chase & Co.

If the parents built the fifth largest economy in the world… Imagine what their kids will do™