About Us

SpeedTelcom is a global digital platform with passion on enabling the digital evolution in new business streams. Hence positing itself as the digital evolution platform.
Speed Telecom and ATMH are pursuing multiple digital innovation to mention some (communication, finance – payments and remittance-, personal – healthcare), and supporting the expansion plan of the Group and to create a Digital Enabler which is more than just a Telco.
Speed Telecom is a global company with focus to introduce and support the telecom sector on the nature of digital transformation of the traditional telecom operator business by creating a business which integrates the consolidated telecom services with a host of new digital services.

SpeedWorld allows you to be always connected with over 100 countries. Simply use your mobile!

SpeedWorld is a brand of Speed Telecom

Speed Telecom’s technology is based on a leading successfully eSIM solution very well established. This technology gave users more freedom with regard to the roaming options. Fundamentally eSim will change the way of the consumers use the mobile phone. Today for the roaming, tomorrow as disruptive technology for providing alternative enhanced solution to the day-by-day life.

Our Services

SpeedWorld eSim

Save your customers UP TO 80% MORE on calls while traveling abroad

SpeedWorld Topup

We offer direct access to smarter mobile airtime top-up and data bundles.

SpeedWorld Did
(coming soon)

We offer extensive international coverage of national virtual phone numbers.

Download our APP

Become a Promoter/Partner

We are looking for Promoter/Partner.
We are looking for IT or Telecom channel distributors.
Companies involved in the tourism industry, SIM based travel wifi/router offers an easy way to earn additional revenue through commission sales of global sim cards and subsequent user airtime top-ups.

Let us help your business to move forward