


Financial technology is moving toward open innovation. FINOS members are leading the way. We're home to:

FINOS total members-4

Member Organizations

Projects & SIGs Numbers-2

Open Source Projects & SIGs




FSI Professionals Reached

(through events and publications)



"Microsoft is excited to share our new membership in FINOS and support its mission of fostering collaboration and innovation in the financial services sector. As a company that is committed to open source and cloud solutions, we see great alignment with FINOS's initiatives, such as promoting ethical and responsible use of AI, establishing common cloud controls, and enabling interoperability through FDC3. We look forward to contributing to these important topics and more as part of the FINOS community." - Allison Gorman Nachtigal, VP in Microsoft Industry Cloud


BlackRock is thrilled to join FINOS, bringing more representation from the buy side to the organization. We are eager to continue leveraging FDC3 integrations and interoperability and partnering more with the FINOS community,” said Michael Bowen, Technical Fellow and Head of BlackRock's Open Source Program Office. “FINOS aligns with BlackRock's open source strategy and will help drive our advocacy for open-source solutions in financial services including our own technology platform, Aladdin®"


Open innovation has given rise to many of the software innovations that are rapidly transforming the financial services industryfrom the cloud, to big data, to blockchain.  But all of these came from outside of financial services. To spur this kind of innovation within our industry, we first have to create the right environment for it. Our goal is to break down barriers to collaborationbetween financial services firms and even within individual firms—to enable the cross-pollination of ideas necessary to spark transformative solutions to shared problems.

As a non-profit organization, our Members' contributions are the fuel that help us garner contributions, promote adoption of our projects and enable faster innovation in the industry through collaborative resolution of financial services-wide challenges.


In addition to helping accelerate all we do, these are some of the specific benefits corporate FINOS members enjoy:
  • Brand recognition alongside financial industry leaders in actively open collaboration in the industry
  • Talent attraction and retention by enabling employees to be first class citizens in OSS Communities through our Open Source Readiness program
  • Propose new projects to be hosted by the Foundation as per our Governance
  • Access to the Governing Board depending on the selected membership tier
  • Influence direction and investment of the Foundation's resources in our Community activities
  • Training and certification discounts and free seats across the FINOS and Linux Foundation curriculums
  • Proactive support from the FINOS team in the legal, technical, and cultural aspects of Open Source engagement and maturity growth
  • Priority access to FINOS events, including the Open Source in Finance Forum — free for your employees
  • Gain exclusive insights into member-only whitepapers and surveys
  • Positioning within the Foundation’s marketing, promotional, and social media outreach activities
  • Host Runtime environments of FINOS projects in our Sandbox

Read our Member Benefits Guide below for more information on our corporate membership and benefits. If you are considering Associate Membership please review this overview deck outlining benefits and expectations of an Associate Member.


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Our mission is to move the entire financial services industry toward collaboration through open source and standards. Our corporate members are the companies moving with us. Whether you're an international bank, services firm, tech company or start-up, a FINOS membership can accelerate your path to open innovation. These are the benefits available to the different levels of FINOS members.

Platinum ($200,000)

  • Appoint a member of the FINOS governing board
  • Premium positioning at FINOS events and in marketing efforts

Gold ($50,000)

  • Participate in elections for up to five members of the FINOS governing board
  • Positioning at FINOS events and in marketing efforts

Silver ($10-30,000)

  • Participate in election for one member the FINOS governing board
  • Opportunities for positioning at FINOS events and in marketing efforts
  • Values are based on number of employees as follows:
    $10,000 for less than 20 employees
    $20,000 for 20-99 employees
    $30,000 for 100 or more employees


  • Participate in marketing, community and thought leadership opportunities. 
  • Free attendance at FINOS events and member meetings.
  • Restricted to non-profits, government organizations, regulatory bodies, and academic institutions.

Note: FINOS membership also requires companies to be a corporate member of the Linux Foundation (at any level). The pricing above is for FINOS membership only. 




Interested in becoming a member of the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS) and joining our diverse group of Members from financial services, fintech, technology and services vendors and more?

The Foundation has three levels of paid membership - Platinum, Gold, Silver - that represent different levels of participation based on an organization’s business profile and size. Our Associate Membership is for non-profits, foundations, and academic institutions with complementary missions to FINOS. We also have an Individual Supporter Program that recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to FINOS' collaborative work.

If you'd like to apply for or inquire about membership, please get in touch using the form below or by emailing

If you are ready to begin signing the membership document(s) please use this link