Investigation of RLX Technology Inc. (RLX)

RLX Technology Inc. (RLX) Made Misstatements Regarding Its Business Prospects

The Registration Statement contained untrue statements of material fact.  Specifically, the Registration Statement omitted RLX's exposure to China's then-existing campaign to establish a national standard for e-cigarettes that would bring them in line with regular cigarette regulations by expressly distancing itself and its products from falling under the administration of China's tobacco monopoly system.  The Registration Statement also touted that it expected "to continue to be, benefitting from the rapid growth of China's e-vapor market," while overstating its financial prospects in light of the pending regulations for e-cigarettes. 

RLX's shares fell nearly 48% on March 22, 2021, when the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology posted its draft regulations, which confirmed e-cigarettes and new tobacco products would be regulated similar to traditional tobacco offerings.  RLX's shares fell again when it published its first quarter 2021 financial results on June 2, 2021, closing at $9.90 per ADS, down 9% from the prior day. 

If you purchased shares of RLX Technology Inc. (RLX) pursuant to its January 2021 IPO, you have until August 9, 2021, to ask the court to appoint you lead plaintiff for the class.

All representation is on a contingency fee basis. Shareholders pay no fees or expenses.

Send us a message for more information.

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