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Top Brands Using SMS Text Messaging Campaigns (Updated 2024)

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Here are 6 Top Brands Using SMS Text Messaging Campaigns in 2024:

1. Facebook

Yes, that’s right . Even social media giants can’t do without SMS marketing. 

Facebook’s emphasis on helping small businesses create clever digital marketing strategies via SMS and Facebook Messenger highlight the importance of SMS. 

Integrating social media campaigns with bulk SMS marketing is an effective way to connect with customers where they spend the most time. 

Facebook also uses text messages to improve the security of customer profiles. To protect your account, you can activate two-factor authentication via SMS. 

When you sign in from a new device, Facebook texts you a verification code to confirm your identity. 

This campaign brand example came from’s “7 Big Brands That Use SMS Marketing”.

2. Starbucks

The Starbucks Rewards program has been a big success, in part because of its use of SMS. 

Customers who opt in receive order notifications, SMS deals, and other relevant alerts. 

They can also send in receipts for rewards, receive a verification text for account authentication, or send someone an iMessage with a gift card. 

This campaign brand example came from’s “10 Big Brands That Use Business Text Messaging”.

3. Aeropostale

Aeropostale is combining SMS messages with social media to help build anticipation for their new rebranding initiative. 

They are using messaging such as “You’ve changed so we’ve changed” and “Are you who you were a year ago?”

This messaging is designed to be intentionally vague to draw attention on social media and mobile devices. They are trying to relate to a younger generation regarding life changes.

The SMS campaign tells people to opt-in by texting “Now” to Aero87. They then receive a reply that contains an invitation to visit participating stores for a “reveal.”

This campaign brand example came from’s “Bulk SMS Marketing: How These 6 Big Brands Are Winning Customers”.

4. Indeed

The job marketplace gives you updates on your applications via SMS. 

They start the conversation telling exactly what the message is about and give you the option to opt-out right away.

This campaign brand example came from’s “7 Real Examples of Companies Using SMS”.

5. Yelp

To boost their email marketing, Yelp uses SMS to meet their users where they’re most active: on their phones. 

In fact, since 2016, over 70 percent of Yelp’s searches come through mobile devices. 

Through Yelp’s SMS program, customers can text restaurants to make, modify, or cancel their reservations. Businesses can send text alerts to update their customers on wait times and reservation availability, and they can even reply directly to their customers’ inquiries. 

Yelp’s use of SMS bridges the gap between businesses and customers through an immediate and real-time communication channel, creating better experiences for both businesses and customers alike.

This campaign brand example came from’s “How 6 Successful Companies Use SMS in Addition to Email Marketing”.

6. Jack in the Box 

This company has been using text marketing strategies for a few years now as a way of distancing themselves from a reliance on email. 

Due to the nature of fast food restaurants, SMS makes sense when it comes to increasing repeat purchases and engagement. Turns out Jack in the Box was right, seeing SMS redemption rates for coupons and deals at 3-5x that of email marketing.

The struggle of finding the right channel for getting your messaging across is all too real for many small businesses. This shows that it may not be your messaging that is at fault, but the channel itself. 

If you operate on a similar business of repeat purchases such as a fitness club or retail shop, this sort of engagement platform might be the answer to your problems.

This campaign brand example came from’s “Top 4 Brands That Are Harnessing the Power of SMS Marketing Strategies”.

How Will You Use These Text SMS Marketing Strategies in 2024?

Pro Text SMS Tip: Before you start your personalized text messaging sms campaign, be sure you have the correct B2B lead generating and sales prospecting tool to find the cell or mobile phone numbers for the prospects and decision makers you are targeting for your texting outreach.

Swordfish AI provides the most accurate B2B and B2C contact information, including cell phone numbers and email addresses of executives, managers, and key decision-makers. Try Swordfish AI now.

Cover Image Licensed from: / Lyndon Stratford.

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