Wealth is Personal,

And so is Whittier Trust

Wealth is Personal,

And so is Whittier Trust

Protect Your Loved Ones. Ensure a Lasting Legacy.


Raising Financially Resilient Kids

The Importance of Developing Financial Literacy and Generosity in The Next Generation: Every family is unique, but virtually all parents hope their children will grow up to be confident, self-sustaining, and happy as contributing members of society. Families of significant means face unique challenges in this arena, however, because the same wealth that affords them educational, vocational, and recreational opportunities has the potential to undermine achievement in their children.  A study in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence found that, […]

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Why Whittier?

From Investments to Family Office to Trustee Services and more, we are your single source solution. Just like you, we're independent and unique. And that's how we treat your needs.

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