Workplace Elemental Technologies

Delivering the Most Innovative, Clean and Sustainable Technologies That Foster Healthy and Resource-Efficient Buildings

Sustainable Technologies

W.E.T. is dedicated to identifying the next wave in sustainable technology to bring to our customers. Sustainability is a foundational principle of the company and our technologies represent the best-in-class, which means minimizing resource use and waste, thereby improving work environments.

Customer Focus

Customer Focus is a core value of who we want to be as a company, and how we want our customers to feel about W.E.T. Simply put, it means that we put our customers first, listen to their feedback and commit to exceeding their expectations with every interaction.

Healthy Buildings

One of the core principles of sustainability is to provide quality work environments, which is the connective thread across W.E.T.’s unique portfolio of technologies. Improving the health, safety and well-being of people in the rapidly evolving concept of the workplace.

W.E.T. Vision

W.E.T. believes deeply in the power and potential of innovative, sustainable and clean technology — and its ability to enable the resource-efficient and healthy operation of buildings. We continually seek out the best-in-class and introduce them to our amazing Customers.

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the W.E.T. portfolio, EkkoSense, a Next Generation AI-driven data center optimization software that provides the real-time operational visibility required to remove thermal and power risk, optimize cooling capacity, minimize energy waste, and lead the way to achieve net zero across your critical M&E infrastructure.

Please learn more about this groundbreaking technology by watching the introductory video:

As one might guess from from our logo, Workplace Elemental Technologies derives a central part of its name and mission from the Four Elements, believed by the Ancient Greeks (wrongly) to be the basis of all Matter: Air, Water, Fire and Earth. It is in these areas that W.E.T. technologies will be applied, addressing health, safety and efficiency challenges in the fast-evolving concept of the Workplace, which ultimately has a significant impact on the Earth.

W.E.T. Products

W.E.T. is continually seeking out best-in-class, sustainable products that solve problems for our Customers. Starting with ThinkLite and ActivePure® for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring and Purification, WaveLytix™ for Water Efficiency and Amptricity for Energy Storage, W.E.T. technologies set a very high bar for sustainability, resource efficiency, performance and longevity.

We are always interested in learning about new, innovative technologies so please reach out if you think you have a product that fits into the W.E.T. portfolio.

ThinkLite Flair

The Most Advanced IAQ Solution

ThinkLite Purilux

The one-of-a-kind air purifying LED light panel

ThinkLite Icon M

Level Up Your Indoor Air Safety

Let’s Talk

We love hearing from people as much as we love clean, sustainable technologies. Drop us a note today.

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