Machacala Project Highlights
Project offers near-term production potential from both tailings and underground
This was a previously producing site with over 235,000 metric tons of ore mined:estimated average grades of 6.0g/t Au and 340g/t Ag
Contains large un-leached tailings piled on site:
Volume Est.: 210,000 Metric Tons
Grade Est.: 1. 34 g/T Au 56.36g/T Ag (average grade
Mining Companies such as Barrick Gold, Rio Alto Mining, and Southern Peak Mining are operating in region
Exploration drilling programs conducted from 1996 by Gold Hawk Resources, Meridian Gold, and Buenaventura. Drilling totaled over 8,500 m (27,887 ft) in 45 core and RC drill holes (Meridian Gold, Gold Hawk Resources)
Metallurgical studies show:
87% Au, 50% Ag recoveries in 24 hrs leaching on un-milled tailings
re-milling (-400 mesh) increasing recoveries to 90% Au, 73% Ag in 24 hrs leaching
Mine has multiple low-sulphidation, epithermal Au-Ag veins on property, of which nineteen have been identified and only three have been modestly exploited
966 hectares comprised of 18 contiguous mineral concessions
150 hectares of surface rights where the estimated 210,000 metric tons of tailings are located.
Water rights to the nearby Carabamba reservoir. Additional source of water supply exists if necessary.