Operation Clean Sweep

logoWe are a pledged partner of Operation Clean Sweep ® (OCS) and a committed Operation Clean Sweep ® Blue Member. OCS is a program designed to prevent pellet, flake and powder loss to the environment.

Operation Clean Sweep ® Blue is an enhanced commitment which includes external reporting of unrecovered plastic releases to the environment. Our plastics manufacturing and logistics facilities around the world are engaged in this important initiative and each facility has completed a risk assessment to identify gaps and eliminate pellet loss. In addition, we are in the process of obtaining external OCS Certification, starting with our European assets which are scheduled to be fully certified by the end of 2024.

We are committed to educating employees, business partners and customers on the awareness and accountability for pellet loss prevention, containment and clean-up. In 2023 we launched an internal campaign called “Every Pellet Counts” to help educate our employees and aid in changing the mindset of each person whose work involves plastic production or handling. While we have incorporated OCS practices across our manufacturing sites, we are also extending this program to our external manufacturers and logistics service providers. In addition, we are sharing solutions that have helped us contain pellets with our customers and others in the value chain.

As an Operation Clean Sweep ® Blue member, and to increase our transparency, Dow annually reports the number and volume of incidents of any unrecovered release of plastic to outside of Dow facilities that are greater than 0.5kg. Internal reporting requirements have also been sharpened to capture data for near misses and loss of containment within facilities.

Our INtersections Progress Report provides information aligned to global reporting requirements on pellet loss and on our efforts to continue to improve plastics containment.