2022Dec 8
- 129 core samples collected by the USGS with an average lithium value of 175 ppm with a high of 550 ppm and spectrographic and atomic-absorption analyses of 135 stream sediment samples confirming the potential for lithium mineral deposits. The present average grade for Albemarle's project is approximately 121 ppm.
- Gravitational surveying which has identified a closed basin, critical for ensuring brines remain within the basin without dilution from external water sources.
- Geophysical modelling based upon gravitational and controlled source audio magnetotellurics/magnetotellurics (CSAMT/MT) surveys has provided evidence of highly concentrated brines which are relatively near the surface. The CSAMT survey results of the Jackpot Lake Project demonstrate a large consistent body of very low resistivity - consistent with highly concentrated brine behavior - throughout the property, predominantly above bedrock depths of 625 meters.
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