Wes Feltner

Teacher in Minnesota

Wes Feltner

Teacher in Minnesota

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Wes Feltner currently lives in Minnesota. Wes Feltner was born to faithful Christian parents in Tennessee. Wes Feltner answered the call on his life to work in ministry at 18, and from there he received his BA in Organizational Communication from the University of North Carolina Charlotte. Following that, Wes earned his Masters Degree in Theology from Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY, as well as his Doctorate in Leadership from Southern Seminary. Wes Feltner is married with three children ages 9, 11, and 13 and they enjoy spending time as a family, especially playing games and watching movies. While Wes Feltner has Pastored local churches for nearly 23 years, he is currently approaching teaching, writing, and sharing what he's been led to share regarding personal development with a renewed excitement. Though he still feels called to ministry, his family looks forward to whatever it is God has for him moving forward, and they believe with Him- the opportunities are endless.