It’s Not Just a Deal to the Entrepreneur…It’s Everything!

Everything we do at Intrepid is built around this premise. We are entrepreneurs who founded a business, built a winning culture, sweated the setbacks and had an outstanding exit. We know what’s at stake. We did not grow up on Wall Street, so we had to make up our own rules.

Execution expertise and industry knowledge 

We don’t have separate “coverage bankers” and “execution bankers” like they do on Wall Street. All our bankers are execution experts who have committed themselves to your industry.

Industry knowledge adds value

Our bankers understand the value drivers in your industry and maintain regular dialogue with active acquirers and investors in your space.

Value goes beyond numbers

The value of a middle-market company lies in the magic of its culture, its innovative spirit, and its attributes. These values are not always reflected in the traditional metrics that define more mature companies. We are known for our ability to tell the entrepreneur’s story in a competitive process that makes suitors lose sleep over missing out.

More value is created earlier in the life cycle

Our industry bankers watch closely the emerging trends in your sector, and have a unique view of the attributes that industry players seek in acquisition targets. Our bankers can have a major impact on value creation when they share their insight with entrepreneurs well before they are ready to transact.

Our Industries Include: