Employment and Labour Data

We gather labour force data from Statistics Canada to compile the industry-specific details outlined below. The labour force for Canada’s established energy industry refers to those 15 years of age and over who were employed or unemployed, and available to the labour market, specifically within the following energy sectors: oil and gas exploration and production (including oil sands), energy services, pipelines and refining.

  • Data updated monthly
Total energy
Region Labour Force Change
Region Employment Change
Region Unemployment Rate
(% point)

Canada's energy industry composition

Employment by gender

Employment by age

Employment by type of work

Employment by class of worker

All data and figures were sourced from Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey (LFS). Included are labour force, employment and unemployment from the following established energy sectors: exploration and production (including oil sands), energy services, pipelines and refining*. Since the LFS is a sample survey, all estimates are subject to both sampling and non-sampling errors. As such, data availability and accuracy can be challenging for data subsets (e.g., by sector and by province). 

*Refining data available starting in February 2023.

For an overview of the Labour Force Survey and definitions please visit: Statistics Canada’s monthly Labour Force Survey

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Thank you for taking interest in the energy industry employment and labour market data sourced from Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey (LFS). The labour force, employment and unemployment data are from the following sectors: exploration and production (including oil sands), energy services, pipelines and refining. To help us measure the use of this information, please indicate which stakeholder group you belong to:
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