
Want to double your engagement & conversion rate?

Supercharge Your Email Marketing With Daily.ai

Joe Polish

Daily.ai is so far ahead, they’ve been building with AI for the last 4 years.

Joe Polish Founder of Genius Network
Peter H. Diamandis, MD

My newsletter grew by over 277%, while maintaining a 50%+ open rate.

Peter H. Diamandis, MD Xprize, Fountainlife, A360

Powerful. Automated. Personal

Daily.ai supercharges your marketing and customer engagement capabilities, allowing your business to powerfully connect with your audience and convert them into paying customers.

Curation Reinvented

Seamlessly identify the most interesting content in any market and curate it into a beautiful newsletter that subscribers love.

Adaptive Learning

All content is optimized based on how subscribers interact with it over time. The more they open and click, the more tailored the content becomes.

Branded Voice

Automatically synthesize curated content in a publisher’s unique brand voice, ensuring newsletters sound native and authentic.

Convert Contacts to Cash

Gently and authentically sell products and services through education with embedded ads that drive leads and convert sales.

Dr Neeta Bhushan

Incredible! The AI learns and refines our newsletter, it's like magic but real.

Dr Neeta Bhushan Dharma Coaching Institute
Dan Sullivan

For the first newsletter, I got a 56% and over 90% Open Rate by edition 10.

Dan Sullivan Strategic Coach

The Power of AI. The Care of Humans.

Empowering brands with AI's precision, enhanced by human insight, ensuring exceptional quality in every newsletter we publish.

expert oversight
Expert Oversight

We use good old fashioned human oversight to ensure your newsletters are world-class. Your content always maintains a human touch to ensure a personal connection with your audience.

full control
You’re In Full Control

You're in the driver's seat. All content is created in your brand’s voice and subject to your final approval before publishing. Easily submit changes and our team takes care of them for you.

machine precision
Machine-Like Precision

The Daily.ai “perspective engine” ensures curated content is precisely targeted to your audience. It’s like having your own personal data scientist who works tirelessly to continuously improve your newsletter.

custom content strategy
Custom Content Strategy

The Daily.ai team helps you craft a personalized content strategy for your newsletter that resonates perfectly with your audience, amplifying your brand's impact and reach.

Tim Organ & JJ Virgin

Our newsletter open rate is over 60% and the team is great to work with.

Tim Organ & JJ Virgin Mindshare Collaborative
Erik Van Horn

The content just keeps getting better. It really changes the game for our business.

Erik Van Horn Founder of Franchise Secrets
ai background

Grow Your Active Subscribers

Each newsletter comes with a custom subscriber enrollment page that is tailored to capture leads and incentivize sharing, turning every new subscriber into a potential brand ambassador for exponential growth.

Growth Growth
Convert Visitors Into Readers

Our custom opt-in pages captivate and convert audiences into engaged subscribers. Designed for optimal conversion, these visually engaging pages capture attention and inspire action, all while maintaining your brand's unique identity for a cohesive user experience.

Capture Subscriber Preferences

Effortlessly capture audience preferences during opt-in. Our AI intelligently curates content, enhancing subscriber relationships. Tailored content not only satisfies but also fortifies loyalty, ensuring heightened brand retention and allegiance.

Scale Active Subscribers

Transform new subscribers into brand ambassadors with our referral incentives. Reward sharing, fueling organic growth and rapid newsletter expansion. Harness the conversion power of trusted, friend-referred subscribers.

Dormant subscribers
Engaged readers
Justin Donald

Daily.ai is incredible! I love the content and highly recommend them.

Justin Donald The Lifestyle Investor
Jay Conner

My open rate soared to an unprecedented 84.91%! Daily.ai shatters expectations!

Jay Conner The Private Money Authority

What Others Are Saying About Daily.ai

Daily.ai automated email newsletters are trusted by hundreds of brands in over 27 industries. From New York Times best selling authors, to venture capital firms, to local businesses, our platform is proven to save time, increase open rates, and drive sales.

At BMS we have searched for more than 15 years for a cost effective and workable solution to producing email news feeds to build our community. We finally have it!

Steve Strickland President at RMD Energy

Daily’s AI-driven and highly automated solution enables me and my customers to stay on top of technological and scientific trends, laser-focused on my preferences!

Bert Kastel Founder of Techtonic Edge

We found it very hard to identify a service to be an integral part of our awareness creation and business development funnel. We believe Daily is it and are excited in being an early adopter.

Larry Quick Strategist for Resilient Futures

We appreciate the value offered by our Daily.ai newsletter. Boasting an impressive average open rate of 65%, it allows us to better cater to our clients' needs.

Joshua P. DeLoach Nilsine Partners

Having the attention of 50% of my email list without lifting a finger is like winning the lottery every day.

Dane Maxwell Author of Start from Zero
0 Industries
0 Publishers
0 Daily Emails

You Have Questions, We Have Answers

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Click here to talk to someone on our team.

Will this work for me if I’m not a thought leader or best selling author?

Yes. We have helped launch over 200 newsletters in over 27 different industries. Book a call and let’s chat.

Why do I need an AI email newsletter?

A Daily.ai email newsletter offers effortless engagement, adaptive content, and increased open rates, ensuring your message resonates with your audience while saving time and generating leads and sales for your business.

How much does Daily.ai cost?

The base investment in Daily.ai is $497 - $1,497 per month. We offer a range plans that meet your needs and scale as you add more subscribers. To learn more, please click here to book a demo.

Can I integrate Daily.ai with my favorite CRM system?

Yes. We have a native API connection to the most popular CRMs like SalesForce, Hubspot, Go High Level, and many more.

Do I get to review my Daily.ai newsletter before it’s sent to my subscribers?

Yes. Every newsletter is reviewed by a human on our side and sent to you for approval before being sent to your subscribers. We believe this “human + AI” approach optimizes trust and results for your business.

Can I customize the content or is my Daily.ai newsletter automatically generated by AI?

You’re in full control. You can make edits, insert your own content, or replace any of the AI curated content. You can also let the AI automate the entire process and be completely hands off. We customize your newsletter edit and approval process based on your unique brand needs.

Can I host my Daily.ai subscriber opt-in page on my website?

Yes. Our team will help you publish your subscriber opt-in page to your domain with your branding.

Is my data secure?

Yes! Security is our top priority and we built Daily.ai from the ground up to make sure your subscriber data is protected and secured.

Who owns the data and subscribers?

You do. Any subscribers that join your newsletter are 100% owned by you. Daily.ai doesn’t have permission to use your subscriber data or contact them without permission. Daily.ai is a tool for you to engage your audience.

We’re Human Too.

John 🌟
🎨 Alexandra
Joe 👍
🧠 Morgan
👁️ Camille
John 🌟
🎨 Alexandra
Joe 👍
🧠 Morgan
👁️ Camille
Sona 🔎
🎯 Gulliver
Gar 🚀
Joe 💎
🤖 Mauricio
Sona 🔎
🎯 Gulliver
Gar 🚀
Joe 💎
🤖 Mauricio

Daily.ai is a team of hands-on builders, focused on helping visionary entrepreneurs, brands, and thought leaders unlock their next level of growth with AI.

We believe the best outcomes are created through both human and artificial intelligence, unlocking the precision of AI with care of real humans.

AI Automated Newsletter
40-60% Open Rate
Effortless Engagement
Increase Your Revenue