Calcium Carbonate Reserves

About Our Calcium Reserves

On May 23, 2023, management (after over 2 years of trying to get our name change through FINRA) decided to abandon the name change and the digital asset business plan. Management decided to take the Company back to its biotech roots and initiated an agreement with certain asset holders in the Dominican Republic with Calcium carbonate reserves.

On September 28, 202 as a result of a negotiated agreement BioTech Medics received 2 million metric tons of very high quality (99.8% pure) calcium carbonate to market to a worldwide marketplace. This calcium carbonate has a base value of 30 million dollars (2 million tons @ $15.00 per ton). As management goes into the sales portals, commonly, this same calcium carbonate (request for proposals-RFP) has common requested values above $85.00 per metric ton (in the portals).

Further, note that this was a significant transaction that management negotiated for the firm since the assets were acquired for 2 million Series A preferred shares of stock. Finally, management did procure (along with this transaction) an option to acquire an additional 48 million metric tons of calcium carbonate at a similar transaction value.

Our new business plan is an old-school commodities plan where we mine our calcium… put in on a truck and then put it on a ship to send it to the client. This business model has traditional profit margins in excess of 33% per transaction.

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