Why Floatation Therapy Helps Fight Eating Disorders

· November 18, 2019 Like
true rest round pod room

Why Floatation Therapy Helps Fight Eating Disorders

Floating has been proven to be a beneficial therapy for many mental illnesses. The recent science is showing that a floating practice can reduce symptoms associated with OCD, depression, addiction, and numerous anxiety disorders, including anorexia nervosa. Affecting both men and women of all ages across the world, anorexia is characterized by a distorted body image and an unwarranted fear of being overweight. Symptoms include trying to maintain a below-normal weight through starvation or too much exercise.

So, what can float therapy do to help?

Flotation therapy can help manage the psychological symptoms of anorexia by restoring one’s individual perception of their body to a more real, non-exaggerated state. When floating, your awareness of internal sensation is significantly heightened. This awareness is known as interoceptive awareness. Dr. Justin Feinstein of the LIBR institute theorizes that the increase interceptive sensations can bring your perception of your back to a more grounded and real place.

In a recent study, participants with anorexia nervosa were asked to select a corresponding image outline of their own bodies. They were given choices from a very thin figure, an average figure, or an overweight figure and asked to select the way they wished their body to look, and the way they feel their body currently looks now. They were asked once before the trial, and then again after a series of float therapy treatments. The results were astounding across the board. All the participants selected a less exaggerated version of themselves afterwards. We believe this is due to the gained interoceptive awareness that comes with a consistent float practice.

Dr. Feinstein has shown that at a neurological level, floating can help all anxiety disorders by reducing activity in the self-referential areas of the brain. This is achieved through a reduction of all sensory stimulation – no lights, no sound, no gravity, and no distractions. It’s as simple as a one-hour break from an otherwise constant voice that focuses on distorted imperfections and inadequacies. We describe floating as “meditation with training wheels” and consider it a powerful tool for personal freedom.

If you choose to float with us, please know that:
-You are in complete control of the experience. Leave the door open. Get out at any time. Play your favorite record.
-You absolutely deserve the freedom.
-You are safe in our space. We are here to help you.

If anyone you know is suffering from an eating disorder, please consider gifting them flotation therapy.