Rick Rahim, a commercial helicopter pilot in Virginia, had a son with a loose tooth. And what good is a child's loose tooth if you can't get a good YouTube video out of it? (Visits from the tooth fairy don't pay for themselves.)

We've covered people who have pulled their children's loose teeth with drones before, but this is the first time we've seen a full-sized helicopter pull off the trick. It says something about Rahim's skill as a pilot that he's able to hover so smoothly—hovering in a helicopter is not as easy as you'd think. The tooth comes out smoothly, and Rick gets to make a dad joke about being a "helicopter parent." Success all around.Still, we hope there's no airline pilot parents out there thinking about hooking up on their kids' milk teeth to a 747. We don't see that going as smoothly.

Headshot of Jake Swearingen
Jake Swearingen
Deputy Editor
Jake Swearingen is deputy editor at PopularMechanics.com. Previously he worked at The Altantic and was digital director at Modern Farmer. He lives in Queens and really wants to talk to you about what's going wrong in his dwarf fortress.