June Sale
30% off

AppySleep Smart
Wristband Watch

Say good night to snoring

The Appy Sleep Smart Wristband Watch is a simple and effective solution for snoring without needing medication or other devices. It’s an affordable way to improve your sleep quality night after night and enjoy a quiet, restful night’s sleep and a healthy, energized morning.

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $99.00.

+ Full access to the AppySleep app and features

Our user reviews

Dan R
Dan R
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Great fit, nice look, and best of all. IT WORKS! I had mine preordered for awhile, I was very excited when it arrived and have been using it every night. The results are audio recorded so you can go back and hear your breathing and snoring that happened that night. I am very satisfied with my wristband and will continue to use it. Thankyou!
Jack Wood
Jack Wood
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I bought the AppySleep Anti Snoring Smart Wristband Watch hoping it would hep my son with his snoring caused by Sleep Apnea not only did it help with his snoring now he and his wife get a good nights sleep!
Larry Rodney
Larry Rodney
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Last night, I used the AppySleep device and I must say that it is great. I had a restful sleep. The wristband buzzed several times over the night. I noticed twice, changed positions and immediately went back to sleep. I woke up refreshed and feeling great. This should be used for anyone that snores and I will be using this nightly. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sarah Hoffman
Sarah Hoffman
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Now I can speak about snoring with a smile. But until recently, it has been a real problem. I tried many things to stop this disaster. Anti-snoring pillows, mouthpieces, nasal cones, chin straps, none of these worked for me.
Yolanda R
Yolanda R
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I’ve been using the AppySleep wristband and App for about a week and it works better than I expected. It vibrated once and subtlety alerted me to change my sleep position. My sleep was not broken and I’ve been sleeping excellently. I strongly recommend this device to anyone who has snoring issues.  Thanks for bringing this device to the market.

With Appysleep  anti snoring solution, you will stop snoring and avoid long-term health problems caused by snoring.

Studies have found snoring to be a direct cause of:

The Appysleep AI Solution:
Sleep Smart APP & Wristband    

The Appysleep APP is the cornerstone of our sleeping solution that converts any user’s smartphone into a device for listening to a user’s breathing, in order to detect snoring.

When snoring is detected, the app activates a gentle vibration on the Appysleep bracelet that is connected via bluetooth and contains a sensors that measure real-time physiological data.

The gentle vibration makes you change your sleeping position and after several weeks of continuous use of Appysleep, your brain gets used to sleeping in the correct position without snoring.

You’ll soon forget you ever had trouble with sleep breathing!

​Over a short amount of time, your brain and body use bio-feedback to teach itself to sleep in the correct position and proper breathing technique on its own, leading to improved night breathing over time.

At the user’s choice, it is possible to receive comprehensive statistical reports on sleep quality and sleep health, as well as to receive alerts about critical health changes that require consultation and follow-up.

Why Appysleep?

Comfortable and non intrusive

Appysleep sits on your night table, and on your wrist.

Better long-term health

Snoring has recently been linked with many (avoidable) health issues.

Heavy sleeper?

Appysleep’s vibration gradually gets stronger until your respiration normalizes.

Drug-free and completely safe

Stop ingesting toxins in an attempt to get a decent night’s sleep.

Better nights lead to better days

Wake up feeling more energized, feeling like you slept 2 extra hours

Tracks and saves all your biometric data

You can look at it on your phone or share it with your doctor

Our Guarantee To You: We have worked tirelessly to bring you the Appysleep wristband. We're pretty sure you're going to fall in love with it. But in case you're not completely satisfied with our product, you can ask for a 100% refund on your purchase. This puts the pressure on us to ensure that we deliver the best possible products and results to you. We want your experience with Appysleep to be the best. So go ahead and shop with confidence!


Weight 0.04 lbs
Battery (90mAh): Working Time: 7-10 days, Standby Time: 30 days
Waterproof Level IP67
Heart Rate Sensor LC10A
Gravity Sensor SC7A20/2×2/LGA12
Bio Feedback Distance: Up to 5 feet
Bluetooth Distance 26-32 feet
Screen Type 1.1 MOLED
Charging Type USB 3