CarbonMeta offers research and development services in close cooperation with university research labs for assessing organic and inorganic chemical transformation technologies.
Our research and development team has evaluated waste plastic s to see if they can be transformed into hydrogen, syngas and carbon products using microwave pyrolysis and catalysis processes.
They have also assessed the suitability of mining and construction waste for transforming them into higher-value construction and concrete products.
By harnessing the potential of these previously overlooked materials, the company is paving the way for a more eco-friendly and efficient future in construction and mining
CarbonMeta can help your company evaluate business cases and investment opportunities in the complex molecular recycling sector. We provide customized financial analysis to assess factors that determine viability for your specific project, including total available market size, revenue potential, operational efficiency, costs analysis, and local infrastructure expenses.
Our business consultants can identify sustainable business models, apply for economic incentive programs, secure reliable feedstock suppliers, and find product offtake customers to help accelerate commercialization.
CarbonMeta can help position your business to participate in this growing circular economy and achieve sustainable profitability.
Transforming Mining Waste into
Cement-Less Concrete
2024 (in progress)
Saudi Investment
Recycling Company

We Believe Every Client Is a Valuable Long-Term Partner