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Honorable Mark L. Wolf
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The Recorder
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- “masters of the courtroom”
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Hon. Melinda Harmon
Hon. Algenon L. MarbleyHon. Karen M. Humphreys
Hon. Loretta A. Preska
Hon. Gonzalo P. Curiel
Hon. Daniel T.K. Hurley
Hon. Max O. Cogburn, Jr.
Hon. Jesse M. Furman
Hon. John A. Houston
Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP is one of the world’s leading complex class action firms representing plaintiffs in securities fraud and shareholder rights litigation. Our Firm has been ranked #1 in the ISS Securities Class Action Services rankings for four out of the last five years for securing the most monetary relief for investors. In 2024, we recovered over $2.5 billion for investors in securities-related class action cases – more than the next five law firms combined, according to ISS. With 200 lawyers in 10 offices, Robbins Geller is one of the largest plaintiffs’ firms in the world, and the Firm’s attorneys have obtained many of the largest securities class action recoveries in history, including the largest securities class action recovery ever – $7.2 billion – in In re Enron Corp. Sec. Litig.
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