The City of Toronto operates a real estate portfolio of approximately 9.5 million square meters across more than 2,500 facilities, with annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of about 206,000 tonnes.

The City’s Net Zero Carbon Plan PDF identifies a number of initiatives to accelerate the reduction of emissions from City-owned buildings, with a guiding principle to align investment in low carbon retrofits with building system renewal cycles (i.e. at equipment end of life). Through the Plan, the City will retrofit about 80 per cent of its buildings, with a focus on switching to low carbon energy sources (electricity, low-carbon district energy and/or renewable natural gas).

As of May, 2022, all new City-owned buildings and additions greater than 100 square meters are being designed and constructed to Toronto Green Standard (TGS) Version 4, including buildings owned by City Agencies, Corporations and Divisions.

Accelerating emissions reductions from buildings is a key part of the City’s TransformTO Net Zero Strategy, which set an ambitious target to reduce community-wide greenhouse emissions to net zero by 2040.