"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope."
~Jeremiah 29:11
What are you dreaming about?
What do you believe?
Have you found your mission, your purpose, your WHY?
Can you see into your future?
What’s holding you back?
Have you ever yearned to share your love of Jesus with the world?
Is there a balance between God, Wisdom and Money?
God is waiting for you to start with your God-sized Dream.
We are here for a reason.
God designed you for specific purposes. He created you to serve and vested you with various talents and aspirations. Using your unique abilities to serve others in a meaningful way can set you on a path of happiness and fulfillment.
"The good God would not inspire unattainable desires." - St. Therese of Lisieux
Acknowledge your need for God
Our intimacy with God – His highest priority for our lives – determines the impact of our lives. Consult, discern, and encounter Him.** Include God in all aspects of your life. Spend time in daily prayer.
"With God, all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26
To live His life in and through you.
As you pursue your dream, seek to have the Holy Spirit inspire and guide you, to fill you with wisdom, to comfort you and to advocate for you. For those who know Him well, He will show you your path to fruitfulness.*
"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." - Matthew 11;30
What is The Father's dream for your life?**
God wants you to serve powerfully. What are you passionate about, what are you really good at. Focus on God and His Love for you and His calling to you and not your particular limitations or weakness. Our God is a God of purpose. Discern your purpose, declare it a mission and conceive of it as an Enterprise for The Kingdom***. It’s never too late to say yes to God.
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need." - Luke 12:31
Live a life of staggering generosity.
Love everyone that crosses your path. Find God in all things. Launch your Enterprise of service to God and His Kingdom***. Surround yourself with like-minded, positive, and joyful individuals who share your desires and core values to build The Kingdom.
"let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven." - Matthew 5:16
Expect Fruitfulness*.
We know The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Seek God and transform your doubt and fear into faith, hope and love. Faith is the beginning and it leads to Fruitfulness*. Faith calls us into action. Faith is the only qualifier for a miracle. God loves us perfectly; seek and receive Him. In His grace, we're drawn to a specific enterprise to build The Kingdom***.
"I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" - John 10:10b
Continually count your blessings and never give up.
Announce your dream. A public dream can accelerate passion into your enterprise, attract energy, talent and resources that you may not have considered. Joyfully, celebrate your fruitfulness and help others to discover their own*.
We are here for a reason.
God designed you for specific purposes. He created you to serve and vested you with various talents and aspirations. Using your unique abilities to serve others in a meaningful way can set you on a path of happiness and fulfillment.
"The good God would not inspire unattainable desires." - St. Therese of Lisieux
Acknowledge your need for God
Our intimacy wth God - His highest priority for our lives - determines the impact of our lives. Consult, discerne, and encounter Him.**
Include God in all aspects of your life. Spend time in daily prayer.
"With God, all things are possible."
- Matthew 19:26
To live His life in and through you.
As you pursue your dream, seek to have the Holy Spirit inspire and guide you, to fill you with wisdom, to comfort you and advocate for you. For those who know Him well, He will show you your path to fruitfulness.*
"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." - Matthew 11:30
What is The Father's dream for your life?**
God wants you to serve powerfully. What are you passionate about, what are you really good at. Focus on God and His Love for you and His calling to you and not your particular limitations or weakness. Our God is a God of purpose. Discern your purpose, declare it a mission and conceive of it as an Enterprise for The Kingdom***. It’s never too late to say yes to God.
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need." - Luke 12:31
Live a life of staggering generosity, love everyone that crosses your path.
Find God in all things. Launch your enterprise of service to God and His Kingdom***. Surround yourself with like-minded, positive and joyful individuals who share your desires and core values to build The Kingdom.
Expect Fruitfulness*.
We know The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Seek God and transform your doubt and fear into faith, hope and love. Faith is the beginning and it leads to Fruitfulness*. Faith calls us into action. Faith is the only qualifier for a miracle. God loves us perfectly; seek and receive Him. In His grace, we're drawn to a specific enterprise to build The Kingdom***.
Continually count your blessings and never give up.
Announce your dream. A public dream can accelerate passion into your enterprise and attract energy, talent and resources that you may not have even considered. Joyfully celebrate your fruitfulness and help others to discover their own*.
*Fruitfulness represents producing fruit abundantly. The result of spiritual fruitfulness is that God is glorified, we grow, and others come to know Christ—this is the ultimate fruitfulness for a child of God.
**We are reminded by Saint Josemaría Escriva that: The Christian should live “following the steps of the Master”. This invitation or calling does not in itself involve an invitation to leave one’s place or to choose another way of life. In fact, for many Christians it is an invitation to face the ordinary circumstances of one’s life and make it holy.
***Enterprise is a systematic and purposeful activity, project, or undertaking, especially one that is important or difficult or that requires boldness or energy. Our intimacy with God – His highest priority for our lives – determines the impact of our lives. We cannot know of the possibilities of our life until we enter into a relationship with God. Example: an effort to climb Mount Everest is an enterprise. You are called to Enterprise for The Kingdom.
These events are curated to inspire you to realize your talents, and
God's plan for you.
Learn more about
June 8, 2024 | 10am - 4pm
USC, Caruso Catholic Center
844 West 32nd Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Get ready for a day of brotherhood, faith, and fun at “The Catholic Man Conference” on:
June 1, 2024!
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
12704 Foothil Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga
“The Catholic Man” Conference a day of Honor and Devotion to the Sacred Heart Of Jesus.
“The Catholic Man” Conference, a Fruitful Futures Project event in collaboration with Omnia Catholic, Knights of Columbus and Catholic Men Fellowship, was created in honor of the month of Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This in-person event features inspiring and engaging speakers. Experience breakthrough sessions and a call-to-action on what it means to embrace and live out your catholic faith as a catholic man in today's world.
Keynote speakers:
Tim Staples, Johnny Romero,Eric Tafoya, Jose Pulido, Gilbert Alderete, Danny Ruiz, Nick Ewell.
January 27, 2024 | 9am - 5pm
Christ Cathedral Cultural Center, 3rd Floor
13280 Chapman Ave.
Garden Grove, CA 92840