Purdy People Award in Texas

Purdy Group is excited to introduce the Purdy People Award, an initiative dedicated to upholding the Purdy "Promise of Something Different." A Purdy Person embodies a commitment to enhancing the communities of Bryan and Huntsville by investing time, effort, and resources to uplift the lives of those around them. A Purdy Person is recognized as a service-oriented, compassionate, and innovative leader and role model.

This award relies on nominations from our community members. The nomination form provided below serves as the ideal platform to share compelling stories, testimonials, and concrete examples that illustrate how these individuals have significantly impacted our community. We encourage you to utilize the form to highlight the exceptional contributions and remarkable efforts of those often working behind the scenes, who may receive little or no recognition.

As a company deeply ingrained in the Bryan and Huntsville communities, we acknowledge the profound influence individuals can wield in shaping our society. We are thrilled to establish this award to honor those who tirelessly contribute to making the Bryan and Huntsville areas even better places to live.

Recipients of the Purdy People Award will be chosen every quarter and receive $500 in cash, a $500 credit toward a new or used car purchase, and a $250 credit toward service.

Purdy People Award Nomination Form

* Indicates a required field

Nominee Information

Nomination Details

Impact on the Community

Your Information (Nominator)
